A. 谁知道Louis Caldera的人生经历
美国加州议员路易斯·卡尔德拉(Louis Caldera)第一份工作是10岁时作了一个停车场的清洁员,虽然每天早上要三点钟起来,而且每次清洁之后都是疲惫地睡在父亲的车上回到家中,但他从中懂得了自我约束(discipline)工作的责任感(work ethic)和协调生活中相互矛盾的各种兴趣的重要性(how to balance life’s competing interest)而且在上高三的时候在一家快餐店做汉堡包,每周工作40小时,同时学习全部大学预科课程,这次经历使他明白:所有的工作都有尊严(there is dignity in all work ),只要人们能自食其力,养家糊口,就该受到尊重。经过一番汗水的努力,他最终考上了美国军事学院,之后又获得了哈佛法学和商业硕士学位
墨西哥移民的儿子, 破火山口出生 . 他和他的家庭离开得克萨斯当时他才四岁, 简要地居住在公共住房里在 Boyle 高度 邻里 在行动向郊区之前 . 1978 年他赢得了理学士学位, 然后服务在现役从1978 年到1983 年, 在1987 赢得了一个硕士学位在企业教育和a 程度。Louis Caldera 被实践的法律从1987 年到1990 年在O'Melveny & Myers 企业, 然后工作作为一位代理律师为 洛杉矶县.
Louis Caldera然后担当了加利福尼亚状态议员从1992 年到1997 年, 代表第46 个区的几乎400,000 位居民, 位于和在街市洛杉矶附近。 如同他担当银行业务主席和财政委员会的议员, 收支和征税委员会, 和预算委员会。 在完成他的第二个期限之前在大会, Louis Caldera离开开始起总经理和营运首长官员作用对于总统 在2003 年8月。
当学习在哈佛, 他遇见了他的妻子, Eva Orlebeke 破火山口; 他们一起有三女儿、Allegra 、Sophia 和Camille 。
B. 怎样确定椎弓根螺钉在椎体中心
于1959 年首先将椎弓根螺钉固定应用于腰椎的融合。1969年Harrington和Tullor运用经椎弓根螺钉内固定使2例高位脊柱滑脱患者得以复位。1970年法国和瑞士的医生开始把椎弓根螺钉用于临床,CotrelandDubousset、Dick、Roy—Camille和Louis相继报道了临床成功的病例。随着上世纪80年代以后椎弓根螺钉器械经过不断的改善得到广泛的接受,应用椎弓根螺钉结合植骨融合逐渐成为相关疾病的治疗金标准。Whitecloud[2]认为,椎弓根是脊椎上最为坚强的部分,是对脊柱进行操作和制动的有效作用点。通过椎弓根器械的正确安放,就可以免除脊柱的钩-杆系统中的固定钩或luque系统中的椎板下钢丝对腰椎管造成的医源性的狭窄。而且与前代固定系统相比,椎弓根器械可以在获得有效固定的同时,维持脊柱的正常解剖,最大限度地保留脊柱的运动节段。在同一器械的不同节段,可以分别进行牵开、压缩、旋转、恢复前凸以及椎体的向前和向后平移。Vanden- berghe[3] 等在尸体研究中发现,与先前的其它器械如 harrington、hartshill 框架及luque 技术相比,椎弓根器械的力学优点更胜一筹。在控制各个方向的异常活动包括旋转活动方面作用明显,并且由于椎弓根器械对于三柱均有良好的稳定作用和其自身的通用性,在保持和重建腰椎生理前凸方面的作用也非常可靠。
报道椎弓根轴线在L1~L3位于横突中线上方1.4~3.9mm,在L4~L5 位于横突中线附近。
b、胸段椎弓根除T1有少部分(占23.3%)髓腔宽大于其髓腔高外,其余均小于其髓腔高,T4~6髓腔宽度仅为3.0mm左右,髓腔断面T1多为圆形或横椭圆形,T11、T12多为纵椭圆形,其余近似“耳形”或“鞋底形”,多为上宽下窄,中间凹陷处被肋颈所占且肋颈侧椎弓根骨皮质极薄,对螺钉几乎无阻力,易穿入肋椎关节内或损伤邻近结构,应引起临床足够的重视[5]。上胸椎椎弓根短,窄而薄,椎弓根的上缘与椎体上面终板相平行,椎弓根的上下缘位于椎体的上2/3处。椎弓根后部稍高,前部稍低。侯树勋等[10]对椎弓根轴线与关节突和横突的关系作了定量测量, 发现 T9~T12 椎弓根轴线位于关节突中点和外缘所作垂直线与横突中点和上缘所作水平线构成的四边形的内上方,从 L1以下逐渐移到外下方,而L5 到关节突外缘之外 5mm 处。胸椎周围重要组织较多,当螺钉沿椎弓根轴线向前穿透椎前皮质外2~10mm时,胸椎右侧可能伤及的组织有肋间上血管(T4~5)、食道(T4~9)、奇静脉(T5~8)、上腔静脉(T11~12)、胸导管(T4~12);胸椎左侧可能伤及的组织包括食道(T4~9)、主动脉(T5~12)。当偏向椎弓根外侧的螺钉向前穿透椎前皮质时,胸椎左侧可能伤及肺组织、节段血管、交感神经链(T4~12)和主动脉(T5~10);右侧可能伤到肺组织、节段血管、交感神经链和奇静脉(T5~11)[11]。当螺钉偏于椎弓根内侧时,可能伤及脊髓和神经组织。胸膜反折位于椎弓根外下方,故螺钉偏外下可能损及胸膜和节段血管。事实上,硬膜囊两侧平均各有2.6mm的缓冲区,正是有了这一缓冲区,使大部分穿透椎弓根内侧皮质的螺钉未对神经组织造成伤害。由于肋骨头对胸膜的保护作用,当螺钉穿透或完全在椎弓根外侧皮质6mm以内时,胸膜可以免受螺钉损伤。
2、 影像学研究
研究发现除T10、11少部分外,T12~L5全部及大部分T10、11的棘突上缘根部都位于椎弓根上、下平面范围内,这就使棘突定位法具备了最基本的条件。L1~4棘突上缘根部极接近椎弓根中轴线,大多在椎弓根中轴线上下2mm左右范围内。L5则明显位于中轴线下方5mm左右的范围内 [14]。利用侧位X线片上椎弓根影像与棘突上缘之间的距离来确定进针平面,利用正位片上椎弓根卵圆形投影与棘突侧缘的距离来选择进针位置。
1、 腰椎椎弓根技术
2、 胸椎椎弓根技术
胸椎椎弓根螺钉进钉点水平线为T1、T12为横突根部中点,T2、T11为横突根部中上1/3,其余为横突根部上缘。乔栓杰[21]将胸椎分为3组,第1组T1-2,第2组T3-8,第3组T9-12。第1组进钉点定为下关节突下缘外的垂直线与横突嵴相交处;第2组定为下关节突下缘中间垂直线与横突嵴水平线交点处,其下关节突下缘至横突嵴之间即为进钉点。第三组为下关节突外1/3与横突上1/3交点。至于与矢壮面的夹角,多数学者认为需结合CT测量来判断。Louis[22]认为不同水平应有不同进针点,T3 以上为上位胸椎下关节突下3mm 和关节突外缘内3mm; T4~ T10位于关节突外缘更内侧一些。椎弓根螺钉进针点在内外侧面上位置比上下方向上的位置更重要,因为除了T1 、T2 ,胸椎椎弓根宽度明显比高度小得多。上段胸椎内倾角为150-200,中下段胸椎螺钉直向前。T11、12节段椎弓根E角较特殊,多数略为负值, Louis进钉点进钉,椎弓根穿破量较少,以70-80方向进钉最佳。椎弓根螺钉后倾角除根据侧位片外,还可依照与椎板关系,T1-T10椎弓根轴线与椎板垂直,T11、T12为800-850 。椎弓根螺钉直径可参考以下标准[23]选择:T4至T7为3.5~4.0mm;T3、T8、T9为4.0~4.5mm,其余均为5.0mm以上。长度T1至T10应为24.0~33.0mm,且随椎骨序数增加而逐渐增加1.0mm,T11、T12则较T10短,小于32 0mm,通过CT及正侧位片可判断。对于椎弓根形态不规则或较细,置钉有困难,可切除部分椎板,用探针定位椎弓根的上壁、内壁,便可准确置钉。偏外侧突破椎弓根外侧皮质少许多无大碍,但影响固定强度。注意存在无髓腔或部分硬质骨占据髓腔的情况,开道较困难,置钉需谨慎。对于侧弯时置钉,凹侧硬膜紧贴椎弓根,置于凸侧较安全。
3、 颈椎椎弓根技术
进钉点定位是以下关节中点划纵线,两关节间隙中点划横线,C3~C6 位于关节突背面外上象限的中点,C7
位于关节突中垂线接近上关节面的下缘。而吴战勇等[25]认为于关节突背面画三条垂线,将上关节突分成四等分,三条线分别为外 1/3 线、中线、内 1/3 线. 椎弓根进钉点在c3~c5 位于外 1/3 垂线上,距上关节面下缘3mm;c6~c7在中垂线上,距上关节面下缘2mm。进钉方向与椎体矢状线夹角c3~c5 为 400, c6~c7 为350;与椎体水平线夹角 c5 为水平位,其上节段为从后下向前上倾斜,c6、c7为从后上向前下倾斜约 50。去除椎板后用神经剥离器探测椎弓根的上下壁及内壁,应用2.5mm 磨钻钻孔或小刮匙开道,丝锥扩孔,插入细克氏针拍颈椎侧位、斜位片观察进钉点及方向准确无误后方可拧入椎弓根螺钉。闫德强等发现上下关节突间侧凹、关节突后平面为下颈椎定位标志。垂直于关节突后平面的椎弓后上缘高度水平线与上下关节突间侧凹外缘的矢状线的交点为进钉点。从解剖可知,操作时应靠下靠内,以减少突破的可能。根据CT片确定螺钉长度,一般达椎体80%即可。
4、 骶骨钉技术
C. 求关于法国的英文演讲稿
has long inspired opinionated outbursts, from delusional to denouncing, but on one matter travelers remain in agreement: it’s among the most stimulating cities in the world. Paris assaults all the senses, demanding to be seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelt. From luminescent landmarks to fresh poodle droppings on the pavement, the city is everything it should be - the very essence of all French things. If you come here expecting all you’ve heard to be true, you won’t leave disappointed.
Paris is at its best ring the temperate spring months (March to May), with autumn coming in a close second. In winter, there are all sorts of cultural events to tempt the visitor, but school holidays can clog the streets with the little folk. August is usually hot and sticky, and it’s also when many Parisians take their yearly vacations, so businesses are likely to be closed.
Musée Louvre
Louvre is probably one of the most world-renowned sightseeing places in Paris. This enormous building, constructed around 1200 as a fortress and rebuilt in the mid-16th century for use as a royal palace, began its career as a public museum in 1793. As part of Mitterand’s grands projets in the 1980s, the Louvre was revamped with the addition of a 21m (67ft) glass pyramid entrance. Initially deemed a failure, the new design has since won over those who regard consistency as inexcusably boring. Vast scrums of people puff and pant through the rooms full of paintings, sculptures and antiquities, including the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo and Winged Victory (which looks like it’s been dropped and put back together). If the clamor becomes unbearable, your best bet is to pick a period or section of the Louvre and pretend that the rest is somewhere across town.
Eiffel Tower
This towering edifice was built for the World Fair of 1889, held to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution. Named after its designer, Gustave Eiffel, it stands 320m (1050ft) high and held the record as the world’s tallest structure until 1930. Initially opposed by the city’s artistic and literary elite - who were only affirming their right to disagree with everything - the tower was almost torn down in 1909. Salvation came when it proved an ideal platform for the antennas needed for the new science of radio telegraphy. When you’re done peering upwards through the girders, you can visit any of the three public levels, which can be accessed by lift or stairs. Just south-east of the tower is a grassy expanse that was once the site of the world’s first balloon flights and is now used by teens as a skateboarding arena or by activists bad-mouthing Chirac.
Avenue des Champs-élysées
A popular promenade for the ostentatious aristos of old, the Avenue des Champs-élysées has long symbolised the style and joie de vivre of Paris. Encroaching fast-food joints, car showrooms and cinemas have somewhat lled the sheen, but the 2km (1mi) long, 70m (235ft) wide stretch is still an ideal place for evening walks and relishing the food at overpriced restaurants.
Centre Georges Pompidou
The Centre Georges Pompidou, displaying and promoting modern and contemporary art, is far and away the most visited sight in Paris. Built between 1972 and 1977, the hi-tech though daffy design has recently begun to age, prompting face-lifts and closures of many parts of the centre. Woven into this mêlée of renovation are several good (though pricey) galleries plus a free, three-tiered library with over 2000 periodicals, including English-language newspapers and magazines from around the world. A square just to the west attracts street musicians, Marcel Marceau impersonators and lots of unsavoury types selling drugs or picking pockets.
Notre Dame
The city’s cathedral ranks as one of the greatest achievements of Gothic architecture. Notre Dame was begun in 1163 and completed around 1345; the massive interior can accommodate over 6000 worshippers. Although Notre Dame is regarded as a sublime architectural achievement, there are all sorts of minor anomalies as the French love nothing better than to mess with things. These include a trio of main entrances that are each shaped differently, and which are accompanied by statues that were once coloured to make them more effective as Bible lessons for the hoi polloi. The interior is dominated by spectacular and enormous rose windows, and a 7800-pipe organ that was recently restored but has not been working properly since. From the base of the north tower, visitors with ramrod straight spines can climb to the top of the west fa?ade and decide how much aesthetic pleasure they derive from looking out at the cathedral’s many gargoyles - alternatively they can just enjoy the view of a decent swathe of Paris. Under the square in front of the cathedral, an archaeological crypt displays in situ the remains of structures from the Gallo-Roman and later periods.
Sainte Chapelle
Lying inside the Palais de Justice (law courts), Sainte Chapelle was consecrated in 1248 and built to house what was reputedly Jesus’ crown of thorns and other relics purchased by King Louis IX earlier in the 13th century. The gem-like chapel, illuminated by a veritable curtain of 13th-century stained glass (the oldest and finest in Paris), is best viewed from the law courts’ main entrance - a magnificently gilded, 18th-century gate. Once past the airport-like security, you can wander around the long hallways of the Palais de Justice and, if you can find a court in session, observe the proceedings. Civil cases are heard in the morning, while criminal trials - usually reserved for larceny or that French speciality crimes passionnel - begin after lunch.
Musée d’Orsay
Spectacularly housed in a former railway station built in 1900, the Musée d’Orsay was reinaugurated in its present form in 1986. Inside is a trove of artistic treasures proced between 1848 and 1914, including highly regarded Impressionist and Post-impressionist works. Most of their paintings and sculptures are found on the ground floor and the skylight-lit upper level, while the middle level has some magnificent rooms showcasing the Art-Nouveau movement. Nearby, the Musée Rodin displays the lively bronze and marble sculptures by Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin, including casts of some of Rodin’s most celebrated works. There’s a shady sculpture garden out the back, one of Paris’ treasured islands of calm.
Cimetière Père Lachaise
[R-p5]Established in 1805, this necropolis attracts more visitors than any similar structure in the world. Within the manicured, evergreen enclosure are the tombs of over one million people including such luminaries as the composer Chopin; the writers Molière, Apollinaire, Oscar Wilde, Balzac, Marcel Proust and Gertrude Stein; the artists David, Delacroix, Pissarro, Seurat and Modigliani; the actors Sarah Bernhardt, Simone Signoret and Yves Montand; the singer édith Piaf; and the dancer Isadora Duncan. The most visited tomb, however, is that of The Doors lead singer, Jim Morrison, who died in Paris in 1971. One hundred years earlier, the cemetery was the site of a fierce battle between Communard insurgents and government troops. The rebels were eventually rounded up against a wall and shot, and were buried where they fell in a mass grave.
Place des Vosges
The Marais district spent a long time as a swamp and then as agricultural land, until in 1605 King Henry IV decided to transform it into a residential area for Parisian aristocrats. He did this by building Place des Vosges and arraying 36 symmetrical houses around its square perimeter. The houses, each with arcades on the ground floor, large dormer windows, and the requisite creepers on the walls, were initially built of brick but were subsequently constructed using timber with a plaster covering, which was then painted to look like brick. Duels, fought with strictly observed formality, were once staged in the elegant park in the middle. From 1832-48 Victor Hugo lived at a house at No 6, which has now been turned into a municipal museum. Today, the arcades around the place are occupied by expensive galleries and shops, and cafés filled with people drinking little cups of coffee and air-kissing immaculate passersby.
Bois de Boulogne
The modestly sized Bois de Boulogne, on the western edge of the city, is endowed with forested areas, meandering paths, belle époque cafes and little wells of naughtiness. Each night, pockets of the Bois de Boulogne are taken over by prostitutes and lurkers with predacious sexual tastes. In recent years, the police have cracked down on the area’s sex trade, but locals still advise against walking through the area alone at night.
Outer ?le de France
The relatively small region surrounding Paris - known as the ?le de France (Island of France) - was where the kingdom of France began its 12th-century expansion. Today, it’s a popular day-trip destination for Parisians and Paris-based visitors. Among the region’s many attractions are woodlands ideal for hiking, skyscrapered districts endowed with sleekly functional architecture, the much-maligned EuroDisney, elegant historical towns and Versailles, the country’s former political capital and seat of the royal court. The latter is the site of the Chateau de Versailles, the grandest and most famous palace in France. Built in the mid-1600s ring the reign of Louis XIV, the chateau is a keen reminder of just how much one massive ego and a nation’s wealth could buy in days of old (eat your heart out, Bill Gates). Apart from grand halls, bedchambers, gardens, ponds and fountains too elaborate to discuss, there’s also a 75m (250ft) Hall of Mirrors, where nobles dressed like ninnies could watch each other dancing.
Canal Saint Martin
The little-touristed Saint Martin canal, running through the north-eastern districts of the Right Bank, is one of Paris’ hidden delights. The 5km (3mi) waterway, parts of which are higher than the surrounding land, was built in 1806 to link the Seine with the much longer Canal de l’Ourcq. Its shaded towpaths - specked with sunlight filtering through the plane trees - are a wonderful place for a romantic stroll or bike ride past locks, metal bridges and unassuming but well turned-out Parisian neighbourhoods.
Paris has two airports, Aéroport d’Orly, south of central Paris, and Aéroport Charles de Gaulle, in the north, is a major international hub, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a flight, regardless of where you’re flying. Paris is also famous for its sophisticated underground system, known as Metro. No matter where you are, chances are that there’s a metro station within a few blocks.
Europe is famous for its fascinating cultural background and the same is true to Paris. Why shall you wait? It’s well worth visiting it.
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